We are running this site for it's last year. I am working at Uruti school for the first two terms and we have started a school weblog which you can access here.
Not a lot to add this year. It's disappointing to see that many of the weblogs have fallen into disuse. It's especially noticeable where new principals have come in. Many have not been IT literate so the weblogs have tended to fall by the wayside. However I have had heaps of feedback and comments from the kids who have gone on to high school. They are IT literate and all run their own Bebo and Facebook pages . I haven't heard one say they want to see this site removed so I'll keep it going. Perhaps they can show it to their kids when they go to school. I am attempting to include a map which I have been thinking about doing since we put this site up. Of course that was before Google Earth. :)
All the schools are spread along State Highway 43, The Forgotten World Highway, Marco is the most distant with Matau and Makahu off to the sides. It's interesting that there are at least three exploratory oil wells being drilled in the district.
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All the schools are spread along State Highway 43, The Forgotten World Highway, Marco is the most distant with Matau and Makahu off to the sides. It's interesting that there are at least three exploratory oil wells being drilled in the district.
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I've decided to continue this page for one more year. I have removed some of the older links but I will also be putting up new ones. I have regular contact with Marco school but the others have tended to drift away and are now doing their own thing. . As this is what we had hoped for in the beginning I think that we have made some progress. Although Matau and Tahora have closed their weblogs still get a small number of visitors so these will continue. As a reliever I am working in other schools and find that I am being asked to set up weblogs. If this happens I'll put a link to their main page in the "Other Schools" section at the top of this page. Also I hope to (finally) add a map so people can see where the schools are.
We're back for 2007. While Matau and Tahora closed at the end of 2006 we are leaving the links in place. This means those children can still post to their weblogs and we can follow their adventures. For the same reason I have left the children that have moved on to highschool on their old school sites. We may modify this later in the year. In the meantime we are converting everyone over to the new Google accounts.
Other School's Weblogs
The Orchard
Remember to add comments.
Pitt Island School
The website of New Zealand's most remote school.
Matapu School
Great examples of weblogs.
Uruti School.
North Taranaki
Remember to add comments.
Pitt Island School
The website of New Zealand's most remote school.
Matapu School
Great examples of weblogs.
Uruti School.
North Taranaki

The purpose of this weblog is to act as a Homepage for the Eastern Districts Schools Weblogs.
In order to keep things simple we intend to store all the planning and links on this page.
In late 2005 we decided that as all the schools in our cluster were small it would be good if the children could share at least some of their written work online. This could include both personal writing and perhaps set writing projects across all five schools. This would provide a much bigger audience for their wriitten work, particularly in terms of peer group sharing through the comments section but also family and friends throughout the world.
Step One
Richard from Matau to set up this home page, then visit all other schools and assist both teachers and children to set up their weblogs. At the end of the first visit the children will be able to:
1. Set up a template for their weblog and post both a short story and photo about themselves.
2. Log on to the blogger main site for posting further work.
3. Log on to their own weblogs to show them to others.
Step Two.
Richard will link all weblogs to this home page for easier navigation.
Schools will begin advertising their weblogs to family and friends.(preferably using email).
Children will post a recount story with or without a photo to their weblog.
Children will begin posting comments to each other. (Perhaps during silent reading time)
Step Three.
The group will meet to discuss any problems and to discuss possible shared writing activities for the future.